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Hot Chocolate in Perugia


All over Italy, especially in winter, you will find cioccolata calda  (hot chocolate) churning away in cafés, bars and gelaterias. This is no Nesquick in the microwave, but a sublime chocolate experience. Perugia has plenty of places to get a steaming cup: from fondente, to  al latte. Italian hot chocolate is so thick and rich most initially think it is simply a melted bar of Perugina. Here are some places to get you started on a wonderful gut-busting journey:

My favorite is easily the Antica Latteria on Via Baglioni 5. The former dairy shop is famous for its panna montata; the thickest whipped cream around, surely a gift from the gods themselves. Ask for a dollop on top of their rich cioccolato caldo, taste, and cry “non siamo degni” as you sit and sip.

For dozens of flavors like salted caramel, toasted almond, strawberry and pistachio, head over to Caffè Morlacchi at Piazza Morlacchi 6/8. Generous portions in snazzy mugs await.

Masters of all things chocolate, Agusta Perugia at Via Pinturrichio 2 will not disappoint. Ask for your favorite flavor of gelato affogato for it “drowned” in a mug of hot chocolate. Nothing will perk up a cold winter day in Perugia like the sweetness of gelato and the warmth of cioccolato caldo.

by Tori Bonazoli

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